Get to the Core of it: Best Practices in CIL Core Services--Systems Advocacy: August 19, 2015

Stephanie Woodward from the Center for Disability Rights (CDR) in Rochester, New York will outline her outstanding and successful approach to systems advocacy. This presentation is a helpful reminder that, YES!, Centers can and must advocate for the rights and access of people with disabilities! Stephanie will outline CDR's use of the pitchfork approach to advocacy and how you can use it in your community. This includes advocating at all levels of government, how to get media coverage, tips on protests and direct action, as well as Stephanie's proven success with social media. In addition, you'll learn your Center can measure and document your success. Upon completion of this webinar, participants will have knowledge and resources that will enable them to: • Explain systems advocacy as a core service that builds community and changes lives. • Describe the five prongs of the pitchfork approach to systems advocacy and how the pitchfork can be used to create systems change. • Discuss how social media can be used as a highly effective advocacy tool. • Discuss how to keep your advocates energized, committed, and involved. • Explain strategies for measuring success of a CIL's systems advocacy efforts. • Identify where to begin and what strategies to use.