Ride On! An Introduction to Accessible Transportation Programs and Advocacy for Centers for IL, Part 1: July 26, 2011

Presented by Roger Howard and Stephanie Woodward. In this two-part series on accessible transportation programs and advocacy, the presenters walk you through the pros and cons of accessible transportation programs in different types of communities. They discuss a variety of potential funders and partners for transportation programs, as well as effective advocacy strategies when you and your consumers encounter barriers to transportation. Part 1: Introduction to Accessible Transportation •The State of Accessible Transportation •Accessible Transportation Options •Possible Funding Sources Upon completion of this two-part series, participants will have knowledge and resources which will enable them to: 1.Describe the impact and current state of the ADA on accessible transportation 2.Identify different types of transportation, including pros and cons of Fixed Route vs. Paratransit options 3.Identify major program funding sources for specialized transportation services offered by CILs 4.Promote coordination and collaboration with public and private transit providers at the state, regional, and local levels through effective relationship building 5.Describe best practices for developing an effective rural transportation program through examples and case studies 6.Describe effective advocacy and marketing strategies, including processes for documenting ADA violations, responding to consumer complaints, and disseminating important information