Leadership: Shifting Your CIL Into High Gear - September 30, 2013

Leadership is a critical skill to have in the Independent Living Movement. Individuals at all levels of Centers for Independent Living must possess and utilize leadership skills to guide individuals and programs to success. Leadership is not always innate and its components can be gained… and lost! Our presenters will provide you with key skills and resources to lead the individuals and programs in your organization and community. You will learn how to lead programs and organizations to new growth and sustainability, identify and improve your own leadership abilities, and prepare employees to take on more responsibility so you are always building new and improved leaders all around you. Upon completion of this webinar series, participants will have knowledge and resources that will enable them to: •Describe the differences between management and leadership, overlap between the two, and implications for CIL operations •Describe critical success factors for effective CIL leadership •Identify strategies to elevate their current leadership abilities, including ways to improve listening skills when dealing with consumers, staff, and the community •Describe best practices for preparing staff members for increasingly higher levels of responsibility